Thursday, June 17, 2010

Okay, so yeah, I know it's Thursday, not Tuesday. So I'm a couple days late... But here's the scoop:

I am LOVING the GroBaby's I ordered! I spent all weekend prepping them. Threw them in for the first wash Friday night. Another one Saturday night when I got home from work. One Sunday night when I got home from work. Two washes on Monday night after work so they were ready to use on Tuesday AM. The prepping was very easy... Throw them in the wash, throw them in the dryer, back in the wash, back in the dryer, etc, etc, etc... Five to six washes to prep, fully absorbent after 10 washes.

Tuesday morning the first GroBaby went on the tush. She didn't make any fuss about it. It rode up her back a little bit so I had to do some slight readjusting, but after that it was good to go. Tuesday was a good day. Only had one leak, and that was while I was holding her, so I think I may have moved the diaper a bit and got my shirt in contact with the liner, osmosis and all that :)

Tuesday night.... My first inclination was to use up the Huggies Overnites that I have left. My original plan was to just use cloth in the day, and keep my absorbent 'sposies overnight. But then I though, what the heck?!? What is the worst that could happen? She could leak all over the crib and I have to wash her sheet with the next load of diapers. Big deal. I don't go back to work until Saturday, so missing a bit of sleep tonight if she gets all wet won't be a big deal. So I put her GroBaby with the snaps on her, with a booster folded double up front, and put her to bed....

Wednesday morning.... The sheets are DRY!!!!

My only issue is that she woke up at 5:30 am because she was wet and uncomfortable. But there were no leaks, so I was okay!!!

So Wednesday morning I also had the joy of dealing with my first poopy cloth diaper. Let me tell you.... I was definitely regretting letting her eat some of my burrito the night before... that was some stinky stuff!!!! And she didn't just poop once, but twice!!! ICK!

But I am used to icky stuff and smells, and it didn't deter me one bit. Now, for some fun stuff.....

They make sprayers now that connect to the water output valve in the wall next to the toilet. You just rinse the diaper off with the sprayer into the toilet, and toss it in the pail. But how adventurous would I be if I had a sprayer and did it the easy way???? Nope... old school baby!!! Dunk, dunk, flush, flush. Luckily I have some pretty powerful water flow in my porcelain god! It wasn't too bad at all. For the ones with a weak tummy, though.... You may want to shell out the $45 for the sprayer :)

So it is Thursday morning..... 4:30 AM and she is up because she is all wet....

A quick change, rock for a minute, then back in the crib with our favorite blanky and back to sleep we go for two more hours.

All in all it hasn't been a bad couple of days. I do, however, have some issues...

1) I thought cloth diapers were supposed to help with diaper rash. At this point in time it is the opposite. Tater has a hellacious rash as we speak. Apparently I am not using a "wicking" material in between her little tushie and the wet diaper. Now normally I would just slather on the Desitin... but you can't do that with cloth diapers. You have to find a cream that is cloth diaper safe. Luckily, I have a pretty good online support network. I have been instructed to head to the fabric store and pick up a yard or two of fleece. Apparently fleece is great for it's wicking properties. Cut it up to fit in the diapers and put it over the insert before putting the diaper on. AND.... I can use the Desitin this way, as long as I have something between it and the diaper.

2) I never thought it possible, but this stuff is addictive. I find myself surfing different cloth diaper stores, looking for new cute stuff, different systems, and all things cloth diaper related. My friends are no help either. They keep sending me new sites to check out. My bank account is not happy with me :)

As I was writing this, another downfall of cloth diapering occurred. Tater ripped off her diaper. It wouldn't be so bad, but right after that she decided she needed to poop. In her favorite chair :( Fun times, fun times, fun times.

I love this ride :)

TaTa for now!'

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