Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What's New

So the rash has pretty much been conquered!!! She still gets a little red now and then, but that is mostly after pooping. Apparently Tater Tot has some caustic stool :P

We have used our GroBaby's a few more times, each time with a BioLiner and had very few issues. We also got our Magic Sticks last week. Those things really live up to their names! She started getting the slightest bit red, slathered her up with one of the sticks, and it was completely gone by the next diaper change!!! And they smell great! You also don't end up getting goop all over your hands :)

The RumpaRooz are working really well. I am not as scared of a pocket diaper as I thought I would be! Very easy to use. My only qualm is that if she is running around with no pants on she will occasionally bare her butt and strip. But all toddlers do this, so I am not concerned. It's kinda cute to watch her go streaking around the house :)

Still loving my KissaLuv Marvels. These have been my go-to overnight diaper. I can slide a couple of hemp boosters in there and have NO leak issues overnight.

I haven't really used my Dream-Eze AIO's yet. They are made by the same company as GroBaby's, so they have the cotton inside of them. Plus they seem a little bulky. They are not my favorite, but I keep them in the back of the stash cart for when I need something to stay on for a while due to being out and about.

I got my BumGenius last night by UPS. I ordered them off of Kelly's Closet, and when I oredered them I ended up getting a couple of free HappyHeinyz as well. I washed all of those last night and put a BG on her this morning. We had zero leak issues. I think those will be good to send to the babysitter's. I am slowly going to transition her into using full cloth :) Also got some Thirstie's reusable cloth wipes at the same time. Those things are soooooooo soft. Started using them this am with some California Baby No Burn Butt Wash instead of using disposable wipes. They clean her up really well!

I am also LOVING the FuzziBunz I am using! Those things snap on really easily, I have had no leaking, and no rash issues with them! Let me tell you, I am really becoming a pocket diaper fan! So easy to use!!! Sure, stuffing them all takes a bit, but you just sit there and stuff while you watch tv and they get done quick! Plus I love all the absorbency options. Different absorbency inserts for different situations. Makes it all very easy to do!

My next water bill is going to be pretty high compared to what I am used to, due to all the prepping and frequent washing before I got my stash fully built up, but now I have enough fluff that I will only have to wash diapers about every 3 days! I am also thinking of getting one of those sprayers for the toilet I was talking about previously. Getting a little tired of dunking :) But all in all this has been a pretty good experiment!

Plus, all (well, almost all) of my diapers are one-size, so they are going to be put to great use when baby number two arrives :) Yep, that's right. I said it. Baby #2!!! I am preparing to take this crazy ride again! Going back to see the Fertility Doctor in August to re-establish as a patient and start working towards another little stinker :) So... pretty soon will be updating this blog as a TTC journey!

Oh, and I am also getting some fitted diapers! Those are the ones that snap on, but you have to put a cover over them. Gonna give those a try as well! Will let you know how those go.

All in all, this experiment has been a good experience for me. I am enjoying using cloth diapers, knowing that in the end (ha ha) I am saving money, and not putting anything nasty and chemical filled on my baby's butt! So for all of you out there that are thinking that you couldn't do it.... give it a try! You just might be surprised at how easy it is!

TaTa for now!

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